HAPPINESS COURSE - Steps to leading a happier life
Tutor Lead
Small Group
New Course
This course is online
Do you want to find the spring in your step again? Has lockdown taken its toll on your happiness? Has it been a while since you smiled? Want to gain techniques to improve your wellbeing and happiness? Our Happiness Course stands alone because we fuse Dramatherapy, Coaching and Science based knowledge to enable you to see the best in your life. This is an interactive tutor led course. We also run a De-stressing Course To Help Alleviate Anxiety
Who Is This Course for?
Anyone. Suitable for 18+
What is Happiness?
Savouring (being in the moment)
Hedonic Adaptation (positive and negative stimuli)
Social comparison (keeping up with the Jones) and its effects
Being kind to yourself
Creating healthy habits
4 x 1½ hr sessions over 4 weeks.
Discounts available for Students and Unemployed. Contact Us
Equipment you need for this online course
A device with a camera & microphone - this can be your mobile phone/iPad/Tablet etc
A device with a camera & Microphone
Comfortable loose fitting clothes so you can move easily
Notepad & pen
A joke, a smile & yourself